Why Emotional Intelligence is Important at Workplace? 

Emotional intelligence is defined by the ability to monitor oneself, recognize other emotions, and correctly identify emotions. Self-aware individuals understand how their moods or behavior affect others as well.

Emotional intelligence is a must in the workplace. Some experts often argued it to be learned, practiced, and strengthened. Emotion is an essential aspect of communication, and without it, you wouldn\’t be able to understand when a friend or coworker is sad or angry. Psychologists suggest that emotional intelligence can be more important than IQ in determining one\’s success in life. The importance of emotional intelligence at work cannot be undermined. There are multiple tests for emotional intelligence and can generally be divided into two categories:

  • self-reports
  • ability tests.


Self-reported tests are the most popular because they are easy for both participants and researchers. On a questionnaire, the researcher might ask the participant to measure their agreement with a statement like \”I often feel that I understand how others are feeling.\”

Ability Tests

People are often assessed on their ability to complete specific tasks instead of being asked to think about hypothetical situations.

Mental health professionals typically use two types of measures:

  • Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT)
  • Emotional and Social Competence Inventory (ESCI)

Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT)

The Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test is an ability-based test that is designed to assess four different areas in the model of emotional intelligence by Mayer and Salovey.

Emotional and Social Competence Inventory (ESCI)

People who know the individuals offer ratings of the person\’s abilities in several different emotional competencies. The tests are designed to evaluate social and emotional skills – which distinguish strong leaders. There are many different resources to learn how to better understand yourself and your emotions.

High emotional intelligence enables people to make better decisions, build relationships, and develop coping skills. This helps them achieve goals in the workplace as well as in their personal lives. In the workplace, it is important for leaders to have empathy and understand the perspectives of others. They must take time to pay attention to how people react to each other to promote a compromise between different opinions. Seeing eye-to-eye with everyone helps everyone feel heard which encourages people to work together. Emotional intelligence is when you can understand feelings, know yourself and be empathetic. It takes self-awareness, motivation, and a variety of other skills.

Five Key Elements of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) has five elements that affect how emotionally intelligent a leader is in the workplace. According to Daniel Goleman, an American psychologist and author of the groundbreaking book, “Emotional Intelligence”, EI is controlled by having awareness of your emotions and reacting to them appropriately. Let’s have a look at the five key elements of emotional intelligence.


It is all about waiting for the right time and place to express your emotions and managing them when it is appropriate. Those who are skilled at self-regulation are often good at managing conflict.


People who have emotional intelligence are motivated by their own inner needs and goals. Emotionally intelligent people experience flow when they focus on activities and pursue peak experiences.

Empathy and understanding

To be able to understand the emotions of others, it involves more than just recognizing their emotional state. It also includes the responses that you have in terms of showing them care or support.

Social Skills   

Being able to pick up on other people\’s emotions is an important component of emotional intelligence. You should also work this into your interactions and use it to reach goals with your leadership skills. A good social skill for a professional setting is active listening and verbal and nonverbal communication skills. Another skill that is helpful for management positions is persuasive speaking.

Therefore, when it comes to emotional intelligence in the workplace, it can be difficult to know how important it is. However, we found that as six out of ten people use emotion on the job, it\’s obvious that EQ is an important skill for employees. The latest research has shown that companies are now prioritizing EI over IQ, as they strongly believe that it can ensure healthy work culture & boost overall productivity.

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